Thursday, May 13, 2010

Instrukcje Sterujace Php

fought off the beast! Ubuntu 10.04

After a few days digging on Google found a way for drivers for my graphics card.
way in all a very simple. Nothing to add to the black list (no sense, and so sitting in the Kernel module, I am talking about Nouveau).
enter in Synaptic, and point out to completely uninstall everything that has "nvidia" in the name, leaving the case with the tip of the xorg nv.
Then in terminal:
sudo apt-get install nvidia-current
sudo apt-get install nvidia-current-modaliases
sudo apt-get install nvidia-common
sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings

Continued found in Web guide:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure jockey
sudo dpkg - configure-a
sudo apt-get install-f

evokes mixed feelings in me, because I get a response system that the package jockey is not installed, although it appears in Synaptic. After rebooting I
system launched in August in graphical mode, although at a resolution of 1024x768. Attempt to call in the terminal
sudo nvidia-settings
- a response error, there is no such ....
Well, what do you do? I go in System -> Administration -> Drivers and I will turn the driver. The driver is ... taken from the network, the system does not see what is already in itself.
OK. collected, turned on, reboot, and again low resolution, but
sudo nvidia-settings works this time, so that "I do not have rights" and so on.
OK. I use a root terminal (I have a personal aversion to clear the console), and here I type nvidia-settings

It works. Write your configuration, reboot, and again this is not the resolution. But it fades after repeated rebooting.
Already today, every time the system knows at what xorg.conf to run. However, cosmetics
grub2 for me consisted of the execution: All original source
Advisory: # p276025 (by vortex7)
Step 1: Edit the file / etc / default / grub:

sudo gedit / etc / defaul / grub

edit / etc / default / grub and change the line (number 1:

# GRUB_GFXMODE = 640x480


GRUB_GFXMODE = 1024x768

Step 2: Add (at the very end) in / etc/grub.d/40_custom line:

set gfxpayload = 1024x768

This can be done by calling the following command:

echo "set gfxpayload = 1024x768" Ubuntu for quite a long time, since version 6.06 LTS, so I think I have the right to express their views. And this time they are, let's call it gently mixed.
immediately say that there was:
1 / PC with ATI Radeon 9600
2 / computer GeForceGTS250
And so, on a computer with Radek, who inherited my younger it was time to clean up, so she went next to the new installation of XP-eka. Installation and removal of old partitions went concert, beautifully grub2 overwrite the old Gruba2, XP detected and everything works nicely, including the limited efektami.I even included the effects to work. CPU load and temperature - normal, even slightly lower. than 9.10. However, my computer
- dłuugo still be at 9.10. I do not want to append the breakneck wonderfully miscellaneous configuration files in order to see Thick infamous, though not Shindigger splash. I do not want to deal with drivers for my graphics, because what is happening in my device - is a real, do not even know what to call it. I have never had such circuses with drivers. It wkomplilowany in the nucleus for the new xorg nvidia cards, so "clever", that after installing the drivers, known as the "current" - the system starts up in low resolution mode. In this, moreover, runs the same way I LiveCD - although the beta to run in a normal "vision."
are already in the network are ways on how to install the drivers from the vVidii, one of many guides:
Forum Ubuntu EN
, but ...
My 9.10 works even without such a cudowania, without reinstalling the drivers every time a new kernel appears. My method is simple: I have extra repositories Upgrade nvidia driver, kernel PAE and peace of mind. Overlooks the new kernel - the drivers are automatically feathering him. And who is bothered that be able to live peacefully?
In this respect, and looking at the number of posts in the forums about the drivers for the graphics - they think that 10.04 for the time being it is not very stable. Well, because this time I will not rush into an upgrade of the system, I will fight so long on a small partition on which I test 10.04, until I am sure that everything works as it should.
And yet such drollery:

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Open Rosetta Stone Rsd Files

Today I put as my Young wrote, "entirely subjective review of Jolicloud."
No change, because in my opinion, quite interesting wrote (sorry no Polish characters, writes the German keyboard):
One visit to an Internet cafe, order was made online, signing a pact with an operator for internet services, 3 nervous days of waiting for the courier, who nearly threw herself on the neck with joy and lo and is: a small, slim surfboard, or Lenovo S10-2.Otwieramy parcel so, pull out a miracle in the light of day, connect the cable, and fires curious what also has to offer, Mr. Bill in the form of running Windows 7 Starter Hmm .. , first impression, not the worst, although I realize that and gets to hand the product, hmm, very stripped down from their mozliwosci.Gwoli explanation, after six-month celibacy as a lack of access to network, fell a bit of circulation, when it comes to technical innovations, and operating systems, so what is the successor to Vista In spring, not really knew, also, the specs of particulas wersje.Pozostaje so called method. sensory, ekhm.Na know what and where and how I needed more or less the southern half break at work, which is half the time I managed godziny.W include several different states of consciousness in the general form of joy from the fact that the net is, and works fairly well (I live on, as the Germans have referred nicely, "Arsch Welt des "..), and also szlagu clear who hit me after the discovery of the fact joyful, and in that the starter version I can not change the wallpaper, have to live with, forever, with flag from the window on a blue background, the application is necessary minimum, and the Office is in the form of 60-dniowej.OK Trial, the last, yet I'm more or less able zrozumiec.ALE: To use, you must go to the Microsoft site to download Keycodu, which act, and what? In my , unlucky, if nic.Probowalam 3 times and three times displays a polite message to me that this is "An error occurred, please try again, you do not give it to such and such web sites, and in general to give + 3 pics .." Wallpaper-no, Office-no, what would there still ..? Krach first official day of the next, after two spontaneous shutdown'ie Elevators, and moments before the Opere doinstalowalam to have a choice between: a) Internet browsing ab) from being reviewable vide Internet IE.Nie, no, no! Fan Okieniek I was never, I'm not and I'll never be, since I sank into the world of Linux, always on my hardware were visible two systems, of which the elevator has a right of existence, only and only because, unfortunately, not every hardware you can run seamlessly use the penguin, and still a little too little support on the part of manufacturers toward OS.Posiadam netbook, so finding the right version of Linux for such small units require a bit west from my family guru when it comes to this topic (btw, do you know how I feel man talking with own Mother, who speaks in a completely different language? And I do not mean differences generations, just ordinary, "Information" layman-spec conversation? It's like the Chinese guy tried to get along with resident of Finland without Hands .. horror ..). But Kosa1 would not be herself if the abyss of information networks did not draw what you need, so the next day you type in the browser bar, we set our mind from German into English, and read what Cloud also has to offer. Now, she learns that the installation is childishly simple and fast (which in my case is very important when it comes to simplicity ..) and also completely safe for the windows-they remain totally untouched; system pulls the netbook maximum opportunities (such as from hardware, graphics, battery, internet connection, etc.) instead of the great mega pack drivers will get a specially selected and the best (BOOKMARK 'Compatible devices'), except store data on your own computer, we are able to put backups in the cloud; holders netbook will never stand before the problem of non-jolicloud Internet connection supports multiple operators hundreds of networks, modems, 3G, Wi-Fi and not Bluetooth.Jesli We are confident that our equipment odpali, we can check this on the website under 'tech-specs' imponujacy.Nie choice is really left for me so nothing other than click' get new ', and deal with more mundane matters, np.sprzataniem chalupy , since downloading the 701Mb will take some time ...
Moment Longer milder, a dialog box appears Jolicloud Express, so you can join the instalacji.I here only what we do, you can drink to click twice coffee-which is, moreover, suggested by the Cloud, it's not a joke on my part, and a sense of humor and at the same time linuxiarzy proof that the DA to install linux without a few hours removed from the CV and the title of Master of Science in informatyki.Expressowo, painless and stress free After around 10 minutes the first time we fire up our netbooku.Znany Jolicloud other distributions login screen, and check what's new.
new is certainly the opportunity to choose the appearance of the desktop using Desktop Modus.

After installation, we installed 'Netbook mode', which makes it easier for us to move between August aplikacjami.Chrakteryzuje above all this, we have everything on top of guaranteeing the ekspersowy access to what we need.

One click on 'dektop mode', and we have the standard view.

Please do not suggest wallpaper in the background;) Cloud offers only blacks, but we can change the background on the features we want, without any upgade'ow as the product Microsoftu.Warto noted that any changes are impossible under netbook mode, where we have a black background and animated ikonki.Cos for something.
Just like in Ubuntu, we have access to the Windows partition.

Number applications offered after the installation is satisfactory, but if we feel that we need np.pakietu office, click icon in My Jolicloud (cloud) at the top right side toolbaru, or in the tab 'Internet', system connects netem, after a while i can see starting page MJ.

quickly and easily create an account, and we can surf the repositories (App Directory.) Decide themselves what we have, the download proceeds ekspressowym pace, we can check what we did recently (History), and any updates we get the same way-when you see the icon on the taskbar, merge with Cloud and gotowe.Ponadto we are able to simultaneously korzystanai of Facebook, etc (Dashboard / Notifications). In case of problems, we can at any time to count on support from the creators and users JC.

Apropos Internetu.Tworzenie account for netem connection is very simple and intuicyjne.Juz after a while, we enjoy access to sieci.Netbook connects incomparably faster than the elevator, in the case of weak footprint (as in me), there is also less likely to break polaczenia.Przegladarki of course is pre-installed Firefox, as well as Chromium, which incidentally, writing the great.

The news should include the possibility of reducing the frequency of work Prock, to save energy in the mode of akumulatorze.Ikonka wprawym there is also the upper corner.
top of that, and it was a legitimate choice, you do not need me twice przekonywac.Dla the average user, like me, this is a perfectly adequate dytrybucja, easy to install, intuitive to use, to actually stretching 'if the factory away' from our range of applications sprzetu.Pelen MyJolicloud give you the ability to decide, but first and foremost a place for dysku.Co saves some time I look in the quiet work of the CPU, so far not occurred shutdown'y unexpected type jokes.
On Clouds we read: 'OS on Your Netbook who shouted'

My napewno.A know what is in the best part?
It's Free!

ps But if someone decided that he likes to disrupt a life, there's always this:

Yours sincerely,

Linux for Human Beings.

I add that this applies to Lenovo netbook S10-2.